Therese & Georgette UK

Our Payments Methods

Therese & Georgette UK:


Within The UK as well as other countries around the world, tobacco is considered a high risk product. There are a number of regulations which need to assessed and implemented before making any sale. 


It's very easy for a minor (someone below the age of 18) to purchase and buy adult products online. The reason is, there's barely any regulations and implementations put in by organisations or individuals that safeguard these vulnerable individuals browsing and purchasing online.


Furthermore to this, there's too many false/stolen card information circulating the current industry. It costs organisations loads of money in dealing with chargeback and more serious claims. With this said, we have a manual system as well as an Identity Software which checks your Age and personal ID at the last moment of securing checkout. 


This is also mentioned on our Google Page Here. This allows some forms of security. Not to worry, the process is very quick and simple and if you're an adult, it'll be fast.


Order Process:


Once you're ready to check out, Click on either of the 2 methods Below that you prefer (you won't be charged yet)


We're very Transparent, and an invoice will be automatically generated for you for your records. You'll be able to review your products and make any changes by getting in touch before you pay. 


This will also allow our warehouse team to check to make sure these products are in stock. Our website may ask you to verify your Age and who you are via ‘Verifymyage’ plug in. eBay uses the same software with all 18+ products. For the same account, this will happen once. 


Our API integration will in the mean time send you emails and notifications about your order. Sit back and no stress. Once everything is confirmed for you, Payment instructions will be sent for you to follow. You can take your time to verify us if you need.


Quick Links to save time:


UK Company Information: Click Here


Google Business Page: Click Here


Trust Pilot Profile (Growing): Click Here

Payment Methods: 


Bank Deposit (BACS) Payment:


If you choose this Method, you've reviewed your products, verified our company, and you're now ready to pay, please follow the instruction sent by our customer service team:


A Legal letterhead document will be attached by management to confirm the details for you. It will also have the payment details noted down. This also can be found on the invoice sent in your Order Confirmation. 


    Once paid, You'll receive an API notification to confirm your payment and your shipping information later follow. 


    Very Easy!


    Mail Order (Authorisation Form):


    Alternatively, if you'd like to pay by card, that's not an issue. The steps are the same, however instead of the BACS payment instructions, you'll be sent a form which you'd need to fill out and sent back. 


    This will give us permission for our accounts team to process a CNP (Card not Present) manual payment. We will send you the Authorisation code once payment goes through. Your bank will show 'Ger LTD T/AS' once payment goes through. 


    To Conclude:


    We hope that gives you a basic oversight to why & how we take payment. if you have any questions, please get in touch via:


    WhatsApp (Click WhatsApp on the website)


    or Email

    Contact Sales Here