Therese & Georgette UK

Understanding Shisha

What is Shisha?

Shisha is the tobacco aspect which is found inside the Hookah bowl. How people say ' let's smoke shisha/hookah ' will vary from place to place. In The UK, it's common for people to refer to this activity as Shisha rather then hookah.

Authentic Shisha Tobacco
What is Hookah?

Hookah is the actual pipe. Having a quality pipe will no doubt increase and intensify your hookah experience. At the end of the day you need all the components to get that overall session. Obtaining the best quality Shisha tobacco is very important and this is point of this page. There is far to much fake and poor imitations of Shisha tobacco circulating The UK market.


What is Fake Shisha?



A lot of manufactures will use 'Bagasse' as it's a cheaper alternative to tobacco. Bagasse comes from Sugar Cane and when blended with Molasses it will have a different a poorer taste. It's no match for actual tobacco, however many new herbal remedies use this ingredient as it's nicotine free. It's a tough choice when making health decisions. However in The UK, you should limit you weekly consumption to 2 sessions lasting no more then 1.5 hours.


Therese & Georgette UK


Our purpose here is to educate many UK Consumers on what is Shisha and what is fake Shisha. Many who purchase, unfortunately don't know the components because when both components are blended with the molasses, it's difficult to tell. Always remember, seeing the pictures above, you'll be able to tell if its Bagasse when it's extremely thin. 

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